12.3 C
Wednesday, October 16, 2024

"Think Different"

~Steve Jobs


Folha seca

(..)There is however a class of fancies of exquisite delicacy Which are not thoughts and to which as yet I have found it absolutely...

True Love Will Never Fade

  Nu stiu altii cum sunt insa eu ma consider privilegiat. Am avut ocazia sa-l vad in carne si oase pe Federer nu de zeci...

The Teen Queen of Hearts!



The Teen Queen of Hearts!

(..)There is however a class of fancies of exquisite delicacy Which are not thoughts and to...

Pledoarie pentru TRD

  Acesta este un capitol din cartea mea autobiografica (narate unei anumite persoane pe care nu...

Folha Seca

(..)There is however a class of fancies of exquisite delicacy Which are not thoughts and...


That's all folks. It's time to say good bye. What a journey it was! What a...

Told YoUSO!

In DOCTOR we trust! #0% Djokovic #0% Smerit #100% Intangibilitate #Medvedev_First_After_Terminators

Visul din Visul unei Nopti de Iarna

Momentul acela cind realizezi ca parca ieri ai fost cind te-ai trezit din Acel Vis,...

Folha seca

(..)There is however a class of fancies of exquisite delicacy Which are not thoughts and to which as yet I have found it absolutely...


That's all folks. It's time to say good bye. What a journey it was! What a journey will be! Out-of-this-world. Indeed.    

Anatomia unui punct delicat

Aș vrea să ating acum un subiect adesea neglijat: anatomia unui punct. Vorbim de performanțe peste performanțe, de statistici peste statistici, însă la modul general,...